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High Calorie Shakes That Help You Gain Weight Fast

Updated on September 3, 2014

Being super skinny is glamorized in countless magazines throughout the world and it seems like every other day celebrities are clamouring to get skinnier to land the page of Shape Magazine and reveal their hot bods and weight loss secrets. The general public loves it and they follow their eating habits to stay in shape.

But what of the healthy, naturally skinny individuals who would want nothing more than to gain the weight the celebrities and the general public seem to hate so much? What are the diet secrets for the underweight, skinny, bodybuilding and even anorexic individuals who want to put on much needed pounds?

Well, there are many foods you can add to your diet that can help you gain weightin no time. To gain weight you need to add more calories to your diet, eat more proteins, consume high fibre foods, eat more often and add a little more fat to your diet. However, in this article I will focus on high calorie meal/energy drinks that are guaranteed to make you gain weight in a timely and health way.

Ensure Plus

Ensure Plus is a high caloric drink that is sure to inspire weight gain in anorexics, the underweight, naturally skinny and the bodybuilding groups. Ensure Plus is an upgrade of the normal Ensure that has about 240 calories: Ensure Plus has 350 calories per container and is full of essential vitamins and minerals that help you stay healthy while gaining the weight you need.

Boost Plus

Boost Plus energy drink is also an essential arsenal in your weight gain plan. Boost Plus has a lot of vitamins and minerals and contains 360 calories per container. Boost energy dink is a great, healthy drink to fight anorexia, while promoting weight gain in bodybuilders and persons who are underweight or skinny.

Whey Protein

Adding whey protein to your weight gain plan is an efficient and effective way to find success in your fat gain plan. Whey protein helps to build muscles and helps you to digest food easily so you can eat more often. Therefore, whey protein is a good food choice for bodybuilders, skinny and anorexic persons. You can add whey protein to blended fruits to have a fruit, whey protein shake that is sure to meet the results you need.

Weight Gainers

Weight gainers are very high calorie drinks that bodybuilders use to bulk up really fast. A good weight gainer can have as much as 1000 calorie per serving, but usually the caloric count ranges from 500 to 900 calories. Be careful though, most weight gainers have high sugar content so for persons with diabetes you should really pay attention to the sugar content of the weight gainer you buy.

Resource Complete Nutrition

I recently learnt about Resource shakes while watching a documentary on HBO called Thin. Thin is a documentary about people with eating disorders that came out in 2007 I believe. While watching the doc, I realized that the women in the rehab center were regularly given Resource as a way to gain weight fast. Resource contains 480 calories per bottle. Resource also comes in a 250-calorie fruit drink form if you are sensitive to dairy or are trying to avoid it.


Supligen meal replacement drink is chock full of essential vitamins and minerals that you need to not only gain weight but to stay fit and healthy. Supligen contains vitamins A, D, B and E as well as folic acid which women need to ensure the health of prospective children. Supligen contains 430 calories per container and can be purchased online as well as in super markets that sell Caribbean and Latin American food stuff.


Replacing sodas and fruits juices at mealtime with a high calorie milk shake can contribute to weight gain in person such as body builders, anorexics and skinny, underweight persons. A good high calorie milkshake can be about 500-700 calories. But to ensure you get the caloric count you need or prefer, you can buy your own ice cream and add milk. You can have these shakes three times a day.

These high calorie energy drinks that help you gain weight are just what you need if you are naturally skinny, underweight, anorexic or you are trying o bulk up as an athlete or bodybuilders. Try drinking one of these high calorie drinks that help you gain weight with your meals three times per day and you will be sure to like the results.


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